Support the 2023 Scala Conference

Thank you for your interest in Scala’s April 21-22, 2023 — “Art, the Sacred, and the Common Good: Renewing Culture through Beauty, Education, and Worship.”

Our conference is free so that we can reach as many participants as possible. But it takes a lot of resources — financial, time, labor — to organize these conferences. Would you consider making a contribution to support the conference?

  • $50 contributes to providing food and drink for one person in attendance
  • $100 contributes to the costs of lodging for a speaker
  • $250 sponsors one young choral singer to help lead liturgy of the hours
  • $500 supports the travel cost for one speaker

Scala Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to renewing American culture by restoring beauty and wisdom to the liberal arts. We host summer programs, conferences, webinars, reading groups, and faculty seminars based on the power of classical education to help people develop meaningful lives. These programs serve undergraduate and graduate students, teachers and educational entrepreneurs, creative writers, and other artists.

Thank you for your involvement in the renewal of beauty to our civic life. You can read more about the conference and register here.

Giving by check

If you would like to donate via check, Scala’s mailing address is:

Scala Foundation
P.O. Box 296
Princeton, NJ 08542

Feel free to add a note such as “Spring 2023 Conference.”

Scala Foundation is a non-profit public charity under section 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States. All donations to Scala Foundation are tax-deductible.

Thank you for your support!

Register for our Spring 2023 Conference Today!

Spots are limited, and registration only takes a few minutes.